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Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Jurnal Ilmiah

Sarana ini disediakan sebagai wadah bagi pengelola, penulis dan pembaca karya-karya ilmiah. 

Jurnal ilmiah adalah majalah publikasi yang memuat KTI (Karya Tulis Ilmiah) yang secara nyata mengandung data dan informasi yang mengajukan iptek dan ditulis sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah penulisan ilmiah serta diterbitkan secara berkala. (Hakim, 2012)
Jurnal ilmiah wajib memenuhi persyaratan administratif sebagai berikut :
Memiliki International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).
  1. Memiliki mitra bestari paling sedikit 4 (empat) orang.
  2. Diterbitkan secara teratur dengan frekuensi paling sedikit dua kali dalam setahun, kecuali majalah ilmiah dengan cakupan keilmuan spesialisasi dengan frekuensi satu kali dalam satu tahun.
  3. Bertiras tiap kali penerbitan paling sedikit berjumlah 300 eksemplar, kecuali majalah ilmiah yang menerbitkan sistem jurnal elektronik (e-journal) dan majalah ilmiah yang menerapkan sistem daring (online) dengan persyaratan sama dengan persyaratan majalah ilmiah tercetak.
  4. Memuat artikel utama tiap kali penerbitan berjumlah paling sedikit 5 (lima), selain dapat ditambahkan dengan artikel komunikasi pendek yang dibatasi paling banyak 3 (tiga) buah.
Sumber data dan informasi ilmiah yang dijadikan dasar dalam penyusunan KTI (karya tulis ilmiah) seperti jurnal ilmiah adalah tulisan yang mengandung data dan informasi yang memajukan iptek serta ditulis sesuai kaidah-kaidah ilmiah.
Kaidah KTI (karya tulis ilmiah) terdiri atas sifat-sifat berikut :
  1.  Logis, berarti berunutan penjelasan dari data dan informasi yang masuk ke dalam logika pemikiran kebenaran ilmu.
  2. Obyektif, berarti data dan informasi sesuai dengan fakta kebenarannya.
  3. Sistematis, berarti sumber data dan informasi yang diperoleh dari hasil kajian dengan mengikuti urutan pola pikir yang sistematis atau litbang yang konsisten/berkelanjutan.
  4. Andal, berarti data dan informasi yang telah teruji dan sahih serta masih memungkinkan untuk terus dikaji ulang.
  5. Desain, berarti terencanakan dan memiliki rancangan, dan
  6. Akumulatif, berarti kumpulan dari berbagai sumber yang diakui kebenaran dan keberadaannya serta memberikan kontribusi bagi khasanah iptek yang sedang berkembang.

Berikut link Jurnal   :
  1. Jurnal Tarateks - STAIM Tarate Sumenep - Click here
  2. Master Jurnal - Click here 
  3. Jurnal Online - Click here
  4. E-Jurnal - Click here
  5. Jurnal MSDM - Click here
Detail Info Karya Tulis => Download 
Click link jurnal dibawah ini  : 

Bank Jurnal Internasional Pendidikan Free
Berikut ini beberapa jurnal yang berkaitan dengan dunia pendidikan : 
  1. AACE journal (1/1/2001 – )
  2. ALAN Review: Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (1/1/1994 – 3/1/2001)
  3. ALN Magazine: Asynchronous Learning Networks Magazine (3/1/1997 – 12/1/2000)
  4. American Academic (2004 – ) DOAJ
  5. American Communication Journal (9/1/1997 – ) DOAJ
  6. Bilingual Research Journal (3/1/1992 – ) DOAJ
  7. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (1/1/2002) DOAJ
  8. Cause/effect (1/1/1994 – 12/1/1999)
  9. College Quarterly (1993 – ) DOAJ
  10. Early Childhood Research and Practice (1999 – ) DOAJ
  11. Education Policy Analysis Archives (1/1/1993 – ) DOAJ
  12. Education Review (Tempe, Ariz.) (1/1/2002 – ) DOAJ
  13. Education Statistics Quarterly (2000 – ) GPO
  14. Educational Research and Reviews (2006 – ) DOAJ
  15. Educational Technology and Society (1998 – ) DOAJ
  16. Educause Quarterly (1/1/2000 – ) DOAJ
  17. eLearning Papers (1/1/2006 – ) DOAJ
  18. Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science (2002 – ) DOAJ
  19. Electronic Journal of Science Education (9/1/1996 – ) DOAJ
  20. Higher Education in Review (2004 – ) DOAJ
  21. Innovate Journal of Online Education (10/1/2004 – ) DOAJ
  22. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (2000 – ) DOAJ
  23. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2007 – ) DOAJ
  24. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (2006 – ) DOAJ
  25. International Journal of Progressive Education (2005 – ) DOAJ
  26. International Journal of Special Education (2001 – ) DOAJ
  27. International Journal of Whole Schooling (2004 – ) DOAJ
  28. Issues in Educational Research (1991 – ) DOAJ
  29. Journal of Authentic Learning (2004 – ) DOAJ
  30. Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning (2004 – ) DOAJ
  31. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (2007 – ) DOAJ
  32. Journal of Distance Education (1/1/2004 – ) DOAJ
  33. Journal of Educational Enquiry (2000 – ) DOAJ
  34. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences (2003) DOAJ
  35. Journal of Educators Online (1/1/2004 – ) DOAJ
  36. Journal of eLiteracy (2004 – ) DOAJ
  37. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (1994 – ) DOAJ
  38. Journal of Information Literacy (2007 – ) DOAJ
  39. Journal of Information Technology Education (1/1/2002) DOAJ
  40. Journal of Information Techology for Teacher Education (1/1/1997 – 12/31/2002) Taylor & Francis
  41. Journal of Interactive Media in Education (1996 – ) DOAJ
  42. Journal of Interactive Online Learning (7/1/2002 – ) DOAJ
  43. Journal of Language and Learning (2003 – ) DOAJ
  44. Journal of Learning Design (2005 – ) DOAJ
  45. Journal of Literacy and Technology (2000 – ) DOAJ
  46. Journal of Multimedia (2006 – ) DOAJ
  47. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (2005 – ) DOAJ
  48. Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online (1/1/2002) DOAJ
  49. Journal of Research in Rural Education (1982 – ) DOAJ
  50. Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2000 ) DOAJ
  51. Journal of Statistics Education (1993 – ) DOAJ
  52. Journal of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2001 – ) DOAJ
  53. Journal of Technology in Counseling (10/1/1999 – ) DOAJ
  54. Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (2002) DOAJ
  55. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (1/1/2004 – ) DOAJ
  56. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (3/1/1995 – 9/1/1999)
  57. Kids count data book Current Year
  58. Language and Literacy A Canadian Educational E-journal (1/1/1999 – ) DOAJ
  59. Mathematics Educator (1/1/1990 – ) DOAJ
  60. Nevada Kids Count Data Book (1/1/2000 – )
  61. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (4/1/1998 – ) DOAJ
  62. Open Education Journal (1/1/2008 – ) DOAJ
  63. Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal (1/1/2001) DOAJ
  64. Research in Middle Level Education Online (1/1/2007) DOAJ
  65. School Community Journal (1/1/1991 – ) DOAJ
  66. Science in School (1/1/2006 – ) DOAJ
  67. State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education (1/1/2001 – )
  68. Syllabus (7/1/2001 – 9/1/2004)
  69. T.H.E. Journal (1/1/1994 – )
  70. Teaching English with Technology (1/1/2001 – ) DOAJ
  71. TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus… (1/1/2004 – ) DOAJ

Bank Jurnal Internasional Bidang Pendidikan dan Keilmuwan
  2. Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
  3. Journal of Pesticide Safety Education
  4. Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control
  5. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education
  6. Journal of Technology Studies
  7. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education
  8. The ALAN Review (1994 to date)
  9. Career and Technical Education Research (2005-2008)
  10. Community Services CATALYST (1991-1994)
  11. Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics (1993 to date)
  12. International Colloquium on Communication (2002 to date)
  13. Journal American Rhododendron Society (1982)
  14. Journal of Career and Technical Education (2007 to date)
  15. Journal of Computer-Aided Environmental Design and Education (1995-1997)
  16. Journal of Design Communication (1998-2003)
  17. Journal of Fluids Engineering (1992-1996)
  18. Journal of Industrial Teacher Education (1994-2010)
  19. Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control (1994-1998)
  20. Journal of sTEm Teacher Education (2010 to date)
  21. Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research (1990-1998)
  22. Journal of the Japanese Society for Technology Education
  23. Journal of Vocational Education Research (2000-2004)
  24. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries (1995-1997)
  25. Modal Analysis: The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis (1986-1993)
  26. Nantahala: A Review of Writing and Photography of Appalachia (2001-2003)
  27. The Quarterly Bulletin of the American Rhododendron Society (1949-1981)
  28. Reports from the National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence (2008 to date)
  29. Society for Philosophy and Technology (1995-1999)
  30. Techne: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology (2000-2003)
  31. Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology (2003-2009)
  32. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Research Publications (1995-2002)
  33. Virginia Libraries (1996 to date)
  34. Virginia Tech Magazine (1990-1995), current host: (1996 to date)
  35. WILLA: Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (2001 to date)
  36. WILLA: Women in Literature and Life Assembly (1992-2000)
  37. Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (1996-2002)
  38. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming (1995 to date) [hosted 1995-1999]
  39. Journal of Pesticide Safety Education (1999-2006)
  40. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education (1994 to date) [hosted 1993-1994]
  41. Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology (1996-2001)
  42. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (1996 to date) [hosted 1996-2002]
  43. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (JMBE)
  44. Life Sciences Education
  45. International Journal of Biology (IJB)
  46. International Journal of Biology Education (IJOBED)
  47. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE)
  48. Cultural Studies of Science Education
  49. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST)
  50. Journal of Science Education and Technology
  51. Journal of Science Teacher Education
  52. Research in Science & Technological Education
  53. Journal of Research in Science Teaching
  54. Journal of Science Teacher Education
  55. Journal of College Science Teaching.
  56. Journal of Chemical Education
  57. Journal of Geoscience Education
  58. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB)
  59. The International Electronic Journal of Health Education
  60. Advances in Physiology Education
  61. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
  62. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
  63. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
  64. Science Education Journals
  65. The Biologist and Journal of Biological Education.

......... Untuk Referensi, Semoga bermanfaat. Amin

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BELAJAR, BERILMU, BERAMAL & BERIBADAH "Integritasmu Adalah Masa Depanmu" Oleh: Nurul Huda, BBA., S.E., M.M E-mail : nurul.hud...